Thanks for visiting my painting blog. I paint because it enriches my life. I hope my paintings will touch you in some way.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Cairn V Earns First Place in "The River"

"Cairn V - I Was Here"

"Tribute to the Stonecutter"

These two pieces are included in "The River" Biennial Juried Exhibition for professional artists at the Parkersburg Art Center.  The Exhibit will run through August 6, 2016.  Both pieces are water media on watercolor board, 20 x 16.  "Cairn V" earned First Place in the exhibit.

Tribute to the Stonecutter was completed first.  It represents my great great grandfather, a Frenchman who came to the U. S. in 1860.  He was a stone mason.  I often think of him as I paint my rocks.  He must have been very strong.  Rocks represent strength to me and are a recurring theme in my artwork.

After painting "Stonecutter" I decided I would make a rock painting that represented myself.  Cairns are trail markers that let the traveller know that they are on the right path, that someone else has passed this way before.  "Cairn V" declares my own existance and place in the world and acknowledges that we are all on this journey together.